I stood barefoot at the glistening bulwark where waves beat
feeling the lifting spray tickling my face caught in between acts of the celestial marionettist wobbling Earth's axis A miscegenistic wedding of the warm and gelid stolidly consummated in the mushrooming overcast
We pressed on again in the afternoon, our heads rocking sideways gently to the car winding through roads and highways and fainting daylight, as we idly watched the blue sky retreat behind the great white-grey dome of clouds mushrooming overhead.
Clouds unfurled at sunset, rolling across the sky like a gilded parchment. The breeze-ruffled water of the river beneath threaded its way through the city, as if racing the very sun to the other side of the globe.
A great ball of grey clouds had descended upon the sky, streaked in the middle and round the far edge with amber rays coming off the low-set sun; the same view was simultaneously orchestrated in a twin world, on the flip side of the horizon.
AuthorAmr Nasser is a doctor in training. He enjoys reading and thinking about science and fiction. Archives |